The video above is for a new show on TLC about couponing. At first I was skeptical but after looking into it I am a believer. I am a stay at home mom so anything that can save me money is a blessing. Extreme couponing here I come!!!

An Amazing Young Woman

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An Amazing Young Woman

The video above is of a young woman named Bethany Hamilton.  Over seven years ago she was attacked by a tiger shark and lost her arm.  She is such an amazing young woman!  This video proves that when you have faith in God anything is possible!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Top 10 Helpful Baby Items for New Mom's

So I thought it would be fun to make a list of the top ten baby items I have used so far.  Keep in mind, my baby is a little over four months old.  I'm sure my list will change as she gets older.  Feel free to share your own list of helpful items.  Ok here goes...
1.   Diaper Genie
2.   Bassinet (For the 1st couple months)
3.   Sleep Sacks
4.   Shout (To remove the ugly formula and poop stains)
5.   Dr. Brown bottles
6.   Microwave Sterilizer
7.   Infant Seat/Bouncer
8.   Activity Gym
9.   Fisher Price Rain Forest Bath Tub (With 3 stages from infant to toddler)
10.  Aiden and Anais Swaddle Blankets (They are large and versatile)
Wow, that was hard to narrow it down to just ten items. Also, my list is not in any particular order.

I'm Back...Well Hopefully!

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything.  My daughter is over fours months old now and the time has flown by.  I'm so blessed to be a mom!  It's amazing how fast she has grown and developed.  In the last four months I have learned so much about myself, my husband and how much love a baby can add to my life.  The sleepless nights, endless diaper changes and added chores have been so worth it!